Holding down certain keys in Mac OS 10.7 by default no longer repeats the key, it either brings up a little choice box of variations on that letter (such as various accents and so forth), or does nothing but type the key once. I have not found a place in the GUI where modifying this behavior is exposed, but the following defaults command turns it off:
defaults write -g ApplePressAndHoldEnabled -bool false
Of course, changing it back to true, or deleting the key restores the original behavior. I haven't investigated this fully, but it appears that any running application must be quit and re-launched for the changed behavior to activate.
[crarko adds: This is basically the same thing as this earlier hint, but in a different context, so I'm putting it in to make life a little easier for people w ...
Source: http://feeds.macosxhints.com/click.phdo?i=73a1c3cd3b5ed06163ecade0a965ed9a
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