Friday, August 12, 2011

10.7: Key repeating

The default key repeating behavior in Mac OS 10.7 has changed.

Holding down certain keys in Mac OS 10.7 by default no longer repeats the key, it either brings up a little choice box of variations on that letter (such as various accents and so forth), or does nothing but type the key once. I have not found a place in the GUI where modifying this behavior is exposed, but the following defaults command turns it off:

defaults write -g ApplePressAndHoldEnabled -bool false

Of course, changing it back to true, or deleting the key restores the original behavior. I haven't investigated this fully, but it appears that any running application must be quit and re-launched for the changed behavior to activate.

[crarko adds: This is basically the same thing as this earlier hint, but in a different context, so I'm putting it in to make life a little easier for people w ...

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